How do I begin?

To help us understand your body and the way you move, we highly recommend you to join us for your first kickstarter session - a Mobility Fitness Assessment(MFA).

This one to one session (55mins) takes you through 10 exercises to determine where the imbalances of your body are that could contribute to aches and pain or reduce your performance.

Based on the MFA and your goals, we shall then give you recommendations on your next step.

Usual Price $200, Now $137 (inclusive of GST)

Sign up for MFA (Now only $137)Sign up for MFA (Now only $137)
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133 New Bridge Road, Chinatown Point, #20-06, Singapore 059413
10 Sinaran Drive #10-35 Novena Medical Centre Singapore 307506
360 Orchard Road, #05-07, International Building, Singapore 238869
40 Zion Road, Singapore 247774